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Microsoft Surface Anonymous5/22/2024, 6:20:47 AM#ca0dd929

who is the target for this? do people really buy these? the move to ARM is pretty wild I never thought I had see the day, perhaps they could make? I'm doubtful.

Anonymous5/22/2024, 6:23:46 AM#947544cf



Anonymous5/22/2024, 8:55:59 AM#37db7bdd

I guess the idea is like it's the best of both worlds. If you want to pay on the couch and watch something as you would with a tablet you can, without the keyboard getting in the way, but also if you want to do rapid typing and coding and stuff you can add the keyboard.

Anonymous5/22/2024, 8:56:11 AM#a6d39108

>>37db7bdd lay on the couch*

Anonymous5/22/2024, 10:49:50 AM#addf0c72

>>37db7bdd Yes that's the case for the surface pro but it still feels like such an odd device with not that many fans compared to let's say an iPad pro, this is why I can't really imagine enough people are buying it to keep it existing. Honestly now that I'm thinking about it the reason I think it's not selling enough is because I had a lumia in the past and it's discontinuation left a mark on me so Microsoft actually keeping a hardware product line active for this long feels unreal. I really like the concept but I'm not a fan of windows, so I'm unlikely to own one, maybe I will check it out in retailer somewhere I think its really cool.

Anonymous5/22/2024, 11:11:05 AM#6bab7e50

>>addf0c72 Microsoft knows when to hold and when to fold. They've been making pretty masterful moves in recent years, with investing in OpenAI and buying GitHub. Also they have basically cornered the market on digital workplace stuff with Office and everything. They somehow have managed to outmaneuver all competitors with AI, and are in the process of dethroning Google as the search industry leader; Edge, Bing, and Copilot are also gaining respect and adoption.

Anonymous5/22/2024, 11:11:58 AM#1fed75bf

That being said if I got a surface I'd probably dual boot ubuntu or something on it.

Anonymous5/22/2024, 11:22:31 AM#ab89bca7

>>6bab7e50 im posting from edge right now and I have to agree with you. >>1fed75bf mint all the way, I wonder how well anything other than windows will work on it.
