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OverboardAnonymous4/1/2024, 8:10:35 AM#95a31d89[Reply]

overboard.png, 238.64 kB


Overboard has been added to the latest version of Gladden.

4 replies omitted, click Reply to view.
Anonymous4/3/2024, 6:17:43 AM#63c7f8e2

>>c799b7ac yeah, user-customizable overboards/views would be the dream

Anonymous4/3/2024, 8:19:42 AM#e4af417e

>>c799b7ac >>63c7f8e2 Added this, you can visit overboard.html?boards=psy,ru,g and it will only show threads from those boards

Anonymous4/3/2024, 8:55:16 AM#7d7b3330

>>e4af417e ❤️

testAnonymous4/2/2024, 9:55:49 PM#ef79c495[Reply]

4k.jpg, 9.96 kB



Anonymous4/2/2024, 11:14:59 PM#59ca66a4


is BMT allowed?Anonymous4/2/2024, 4:57:34 PM#a796b7a7[Reply]


Anonymous4/2/2024, 5:05:35 PM#e4b5d2cf


CSS Word WrapLink Long-Link Linkton4/1/2024, 7:57:18 AM#42071804[Reply]

longlink.png, 30.23 kB


On The long link goes too far, does anyone know how to get it to wrap? I can get this to work on the chalk theme by adding

>word-wrap break-word; to the "a" thing, but it doesn't work with other themes for some reason lol...

wat do?

Anonymous4/1/2024, 8:24:21 AM#59eaecf6

skill issue

Anonymous4/1/2024, 10:21:26 PM#1fe2c093

okay got it finally. need to change:

>word-wrap: break-word


>overflow-wrap: anywhere

Anonymous4/2/2024, 12:14:11 PM#4f51903f

fixed this for all themes in the latest ver

Gladden version 0.0.1Anonymous3/29/2024, 2:03:32 PM#eb1bd3d8[Reply]

A new version of the Gladden client has been released (0.0.1). https://gitgud.io/threshold862543/gladden/-/merge_requests/1 In this version, files are posted to board-specific pools instead of a global files pool. This is probably for the best going forward as it will be easier to keep track of and manage which files you are seeding. Checking the previous pan-board files database for files is supported for backwards compatibility, but can be disabled in config.json. Without upgrading and staying with the 0.0.0 client, files posted by the 0.0.1 client won't be visible as the board-specific file databases aren't supported, so I recommend upgrading. When you upgrade, make sure not to overwrite your config/watchedBoards.json.

5 replies omitted, click Reply to view.
Anonymous3/30/2024, 2:29:37 PM#d1b8a5d3

>>d97a75c3 thank you sir

Anonymous3/30/2024, 3:57:33 PM#a8469383

>>d1b8a5d3 np, could add more, which do you want in particular?

Anonymous3/30/2024, 7:09:51 PM#1eb0076f

>>a8469383 /g/ and /b/ are enough for me tbh

Anonymous3/30/2024, 2:49:07 PM#98735c4a[Reply]

btw nice ratwires theme

Anonymous3/30/2024, 4:05:23 PM#95e49c4c

i like it a lot too, i use it for my default

new board /psy/Anonymous3/29/2024, 9:47:02 PM#aea046b2[Reply]

fishy.jpg, 180.65 kB


new board /psy/ join and talk about /psy/ content. on that note anyone here use 420chan before it went down?

Anonymous3/30/2024, 2:31:11 PM#76536cc7

idk who or what psy is sorry

lambda statusAnonymous3/21/2024, 6:40:40 PM#762d6e32[Reply]

Is lambda down?

Anonymous3/29/2024, 5:40:17 PM#04c29442

that was my bad sorry.

Anonymous3/29/2024, 6:39:59 PM#070ddda7

All good breh

Anonymous3/27/2024, 5:18:51 PM#e80d222c[Reply]


Anonymous3/28/2024, 12:58:39 AM#37e93178

>>e80d222c algum br?

Anonymous3/25/2024, 7:03:15 PM#f4cc3e52[Reply]

OIP.jpeg, 23.63 kB


here before the glowniggers arrive

1 reply omitted, click Reply to view.
Anonymous3/25/2024, 7:18:54 PM#dcfc22e5

>>3a6a1bd8 but when they arrive they will crash the board with no survivors

Anonymous3/26/2024, 6:53:24 AM#e9604e1e

>>dcfc22e5 it isn't possible unless they physically visit every p2p peer ...or just the bootstrap nodes ...or they can wipe ...or they probably can just ddos peers who are not under tor or anything

Anonymous3/26/2024, 2:01:08 PM#328ede0d

OIP.jpeg, 13.72 kB


