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Broken Images FixedAnonymous6/12/2024, 5:43:58 AM#acbc9307[Reply]

I forgot to install something when upgrading to the latest version, leading to broken images. If you have this problem, make sure to run yarn install or npm install after upgrading Then, reset your cache and the images should appear properly again. ^Same for peerchan.net geteway users

Anonymous6/12/2024, 3:36:00 AM#82b825c2[Reply]

i niggered

Anonymous6/11/2024, 11:54:59 PM#cdf77aba[Reply]

is coffee good for you?

Anonymous6/8/2024, 1:50:20 PM#f1815aed[Reply]

OIP (2).jpeg, 24.68 kB

OIP (2).jpeg

hello peerwires what are you doing in this fine evening?

14 replies omitted, click Reply to view.
Anonymous6/10/2024, 12:29:56 AM#82a4df35

>>51a741dd patch bro please stop we're worried about you

Anonymous6/11/2024, 8:54:32 PM#5f17cee7

OIP (3).jpeg, 24.12 kB

OIP (3).jpeg

>>c4e73b82 please stop embarrassing me, we need a lively atmosphere on peerwires and I'm doing what I can towards that goal

Anonymous6/11/2024, 11:30:22 PM#d87986eb

>>5f17cee7 o7 keep fighting the good fight soldier

i niggeredAnonymous6/11/2024, 5:21:32 PM#3120c209[Reply]

are images broken?

Anonymous6/11/2024, 8:43:00 PM#1be8e244

everything is broken

Anonymous6/11/2024, 7:38:03 AM#d2d69ec7[Reply]

43.jpg, 47.35 kB


you really need to wear a historically-accurate frockcoat + stovepipe hat to uni / job interview

Anonymous6/11/2024, 7:40:12 AM#6b0c660b

29.jpg, 40.04 kB


do you think im having a bloody giggles? No! I'm serious! Stop taking a mickey out of me, stupid yankgot!

this song woke me up!george_lambda6/9/2024, 2:12:28 AM#41850d93[Reply]

...stronger, that yours could-nt com-pare! my saucepan will grow bigger , that yours could-nt com-pare! my saucepan is not your saucepan. therefore it is superior! taste my saucepan! come taste my saucepan! come taste my saucepan! come taste my saucepan! YEEAAWWW! dun dadadadad dun taste my saucepan!taste my saucepan! taste my saucepan!taste my saucepan! taste my saucepan!taste my saucepan! taste my saucepan!taste my saucepan! my saucepan will become .stronger, that yours could-nt com-pare! my saucepan will grow bigger , that yours could-nt com-pare! my saucepan is not your saucepan. therefore it is superior! YEEAAWWW! dun dadadadad dun...

Anonymous6/9/2024, 2:15:23 AM#4df101ec

taste my saucepan! come lick my saucepan! come fly my saucepan! come worship my saucepan!

Anonymous6/9/2024, 2:53:10 AM#ff6eb8f1

>>4df101ec that's really gay mane i dont swing that way yaknowwudimsayin

Anonymous6/9/2024, 2:57:17 AM#762909c4

1819.jpg, 42.59 kB


>>ff6eb8f1 orb mad

BBC + D2HW = won!George_Lambdaplusjs6/8/2024, 5:56:06 PM#da5212ea[Reply]

1338.jpg, 73.64 kB


>500 Internal Server Error

its over, I cant express how much I love BBC and my homebrewed CP TV channel anymore...

2 replies omitted, click Reply to view.
Anonymous6/8/2024, 9:25:30 PM#f74b5a76

>>653bf1a3 yeah and your punishment for calling it out when the cabal forbid it is eternal too

Anonymous6/8/2024, 10:29:23 PM#eff404f0

1340.jpg, 33.72 kB


>>653bf1a3 calling it out calling orbs out??

Anonymous6/8/2024, 10:30:13 PM#5349d55c

1105.jpg, 39.71 kB



time to explainGeorge Lambda6/5/2024, 4:14:51 AM#fe005623[Reply]

2705.jpg, 71.22 kB


why I am so handsome. is it because I couldn't sleep or I have a feeling that a giant spider is gonna eat my turkeys in me kitchen again?

George's head6/5/2024, 2:46:47 AM#63d559f6[Reply]

183.jpg, 39.98 kB


don't sew it back! Dont sew it back! Bloody hell! Now I have to get me head chopped off again tomorrow.
