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/g/ brainrot thrradAnonymous4/13/2024, 1:14:07 PM#b1aa185b

post here whenever you catch some brainrot from cuckchan/g/

Anonymous4/13/2024, 1:38:12 PM#c560e565

Should I buy le Samsung or le Apple phone /g/? This thread made me check 4cuck and try posting just now. Wait 1 minute for cloudflare shit and then get my post rejected because

>Our system thinks your post is spam.

And soyjak.party is so captcha cucked now it's a chore to post. Why do the fags running these sites want to make the posting process as onerous and unpleasant as possible.

Anonymous4/13/2024, 2:24:56 PM#16d47c40

>>c560e565 At some points in my life I kinda a little bit sorta wanted to locate and kill recaptcha contributors. Not while posting on chans though. Luckily it fades away fairly quickly, but I can't be only one with such thoughts. Also cloudflare is cancer, it's always funny to receive "private" note on privnote.com knowing it went though cloudflare servers unencrypted

Anonymous4/13/2024, 2:30:42 PM#988e35bf

By the way, did you know that captchas, created to fight bot traffic, actually create job market for humans in 3rd world countries who solve those captchas for like 0.0005$, to allow bots to pass that protection? Imagine doing this for years as a way to feed your family because other jobs are even worse

Anonymous4/13/2024, 2:38:34 PM#519d81bb

Its funny how AI is doing what previously been perceived as most human activities such as art, music, or conversation - meanwhile humans are solving captchas, evaluating content with likes and dislikes, do manual labor which would be unprofitable to automate, etc

Anonymous4/13/2024, 2:42:03 PM#5bceaf3a

>>c560e565 buy a chink phone and sell out to the chinks, personally I can't stand the apple ecosystem so an iPhone is never an option. i can't post on cuckchan for the same reason, I post on desu archive unironically no can read it but I can get my fix. maybe there is a janny shortage or they just don't give a shit. >>16d47c40 i hated captcha all my life but not the point of wanting to murder anyone. you must encrypt your notes yourself.

Anonymous4/13/2024, 2:44:30 PM#594c1f53

>>519d81bb heh

Anonymous4/13/2024, 2:48:39 PM#38bfd121


>i hated captcha all my life but not the point of wanting to murder anyone

I use tor for all connections and feel like some illegal immigrant who is universally unwelcome on clearnet. It builds up. Especially when you need to do something quick and recaptcha tells "Too many requests from your network"

>you must encrypt your notes yourself

I can't really choose which way other people will communicate with me

Anonymous4/13/2024, 2:56:09 PM#11ab9e70

>Especially when you need to do something quick and recaptcha tells "Too many requests from your network"

Or when I'm trapped in cloudflare checks limbo

Anonymous4/13/2024, 2:58:44 PM#d6622c94

Or when some firewall outright blocks request with 403 so I have to see it on webarchive or enable proxy. Or when website loads but request to api endpoint gets blocked with cloudflare check. Also tor browser has some more strict CORS policy which used to mess up with some sites

Anonymous4/13/2024, 2:59:28 PM#f0889661

>>519d81bb It's pretty fucked up.

Anonymous4/13/2024, 3:01:20 PM#e844c230


>I use tor for all connections

this will make your browsing experience a living hell, unless you stop using modern websites.

>I can't really choose which way other people will communicate with me

some compromises must be made

Anonymous4/13/2024, 3:02:52 PM#21961b0f

cloudflareis is cancer

Anonymous4/13/2024, 3:02:59 PM#54a71a9b

>tor browser

oh and also it blocks wasm I wonder how folks who disable JS feel on the web, or people who try to not use their phone

Anonymous4/13/2024, 3:04:54 PM#d484530f


>this will make your browsing experience a living hell, unless you stop using modern websites.

I'm doing that for 3+ years

Anonymous4/13/2024, 7:52:02 PM#ca77b467

>>d484530f I'm too weak I can never do that
